It’s just a glass; you can get glasses at a flea market. These are the types of comments I get every time I flaunt my Denver & Liely glass to my friends. And right off the bat, they’re wrong. For me, drinking bourbon is an experience, each different in its own regard. Each distiller wants us to experience the best whiskey they can produce. Extraordinary time and consideration goes into each batch and barrel selection, which has been aged for years before being consumed. The least I can do is give the same careful consideration in how I consume the whiskey.

I have tried many different glasses; never quite feeling the glass really complimented my bourbon experience perfectly. Then I discovered Denver & Liely and their Bourbon Glass, Batch #1. I wrestled for a couple of days over the price tag of the glass (approx. $60 USD shipped). After returning to their website over and over and seeing how beautiful it was, I could not resist. I had to find out if this might be the perfect bourbon glass I sought. To put it simply, my search is over. This beautiful piece of glassware was the extra touch of class my bourbons deserve. Unlike other glasses, the Denver & Liely Bourbon Glass doesn’t feel weird if you have a heavy-handed pour. It can accommodate a small tasting, a large pour after a hard day in the office, and even a cocktail. It is truly the one glass that does it all. Crafted to perfection, it’s thick, strong, and sturdy. The base is wide and fits nicely in the hand. The base allows me to hold and sip without my hand changing the temperature of the whiskey. The body of the glass is short, perfect for allowing your nose to discover all the notes the distiller wants us to experience. The body also has a wide opening to allow for the whiskey to open up and breathe or, if you prefer, add ice.

It’s just a glass; you can get glasses at the flea market. These are the comments that non-whiskey drinkers make. This glass wasn’t designed for non-whiskey drinkers. This glass was engineered and crafted by a whiskey lover. If you truly enjoy whiskey, and love it like I do, you should enjoy the time with your whiskey while sipping it from a Denver & Liely Bourbon Glass.