New “Cocktails with Friends” Wyoming Whiskey Private Stock Tasted & Reviewed

Barrel No. 10288 Wyoming Whiskey Private Stock - Cocktails w/ Friends

If you haven’t heard by now, we have launched a second podcast with our long time friend Bob Cutler of Novio’s Bistro in Bangor, ME. In this podcast, Bob mixes up cocktails of all types and interviews guests from all walks of life. Make sure you are subscribed on Apple or Spotify. On his recent podcast, Bob talks with David DeFazio of Wyoming Whiskey to discuss his latest Private Stock Pick. We sit down with this Private Stock Pick to see what it is about, let’s dive in.

Just the Facts: Cocktails w/ Friends Wyoming Whiskey Private Stock

  • Proof: 106.6
  • Age: 6 Years 3 months
  • Mashbill: 68% Corn, 20% Wheat, 12% Malted Barley
  • Style: Wheated Bourbon
  • Price$74.99

Tasting Notes: Cocktails w/ Friends Wyoming Whiskey Private Stock

Nose: This is true Wyoming Whiskey for me with bold flavors of toffee, brown sugar, nutmeg, and citrus zest.

Palate: toffee covered popcorn, vanilla, lemon zest, and slight herbal tea and honey notes make for a robust, flavorful palate. It also drinks very spirit forward and proofy.

Finish: Lingering caramel, honey and tea for a great finish.

Closing Thoughts

Bob and team picked a great barrel for their first Cocktails w/ Friends private pick! If Wyoming Whiskey isn’t on your radar, then you might be missing out on one of the best wheated bourbons out there. This pick highlights the essence of what is coming out of this distillery in Kirby, Wyoming.

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If you like cocktails, subscribe to our second podcast, Cocktails with Friends. Cocktails with Friends is hosted by our good friend and partner, Bob Cutler.

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